Monday, April 5, 2010


You have seen how the witches create their magic potion in their bubbling cauldron.
Using the template provided, create a recipe of a potion you would like to make. Your recipe should contain the following information:

The name of the potion.
•The purpose of the potion. What does it do? What will happen to the person who drinks/ eats it?
•The tools, cutlery needed (eg. One mixing bowl, one egg beater etc)
•The ingredients
•The reasons behind the choosing of these ingredients (brief) (eg: the cotton candy was added to add a hint of sweetness and romantic pink.) Be creative.
•The procedure of creating such a potion. Outline the steps involved explicitly.


Answer these questions, in at least 300 words. Answer in the most honest manner you are capable of. We are not looking for political correctness but authentic, sincere answers.
(a) Macbeth killed Banquo because he wanted to be king.
What would you do for power? Do you think it is an important resource to own? If so and not, why?
(b) What are the things you think are important in life? To what extent would you go to get these things you yearn to own? Would you mind sacrificing the happiness of others to do so?